but the TV became a babel-box that morning.

  • +..cyberpunk

  • +..shoegaze psych

  • +..Lynchian



Driven by his enthusiasm for all things cosmic, Firmage continued to investigate zero-point energy following his otherworldly encounter. Zero-point energy, or ZPE, is the term some physicists use to describe the enormous store of quantum energy that fills even the smallest and most empty regions of space. Given its enormous potential energy and quasi-mystical character, ZPE has also become a flash point for all sorts of fringe scientists, free energy researchers, New Age physicists, and maverick inventors. As Firmage used the Internet to absorb findings and build contacts in the ZPE world, he came to believe that human civilization was on the verge of radical technological discoveries, breakthroughs that would enable us to replace fossil fuels and to fly to Alpha Centauri at the drop of a hat.
Davis, Erik; Susan Willmarth.


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