
Showing posts from 2021

knife blades, rain, and wind

stems at cross purposes

golden balls of iris.

warm low lights glowing

Slow kiss from black perfume

watching the stars

In love with candy

every atom belonging

Diagram of a diagram

Sunday electronic

While lights were paling one by one.

you have the will of wild birds

With lightning you went from me

converse bone to bone

the hollows of the sea.

dip the iron bar into the coals

you cannot get back into the other world

an avalanche of thorns

a complete rewind

barbs in the deep

Sunday -White Hills.

a fire opening truth

Restless winds emerged from the earth

The red shimmer of remembering

She who brought her blessing

holy smoke sparkles

tender fear

I summoned the air

steal spirits each day

my dress is of red clay.

this depth-of-blank

the storm outside starts wars

apocalyptic preview

a road so steep

I see the rains of warning

a world begins its furious erasure

Overcome in the moonlight

burying the you buried within

zoned for an encounter

life parts your lids

clear as air

Jupiter gave me zero

the ice on a thawing lake

the hot air the succumbing to the heat

a winter flume.

peep through the blanket of the dark

Thou sure and firm-set earth

To the Phoenix and the Dove

Flaming in the Phoenix' sight

the death-divining swan

how many iterations of you and them and me?

Something had curled here in the gasolined nights

a tattered roof in the stars

decide be beautiful tonight

a ring of brass keys

the sky's tin pail

glitters in an ice-cube.

blue as her milk

swell from pollen

A word of witness

Under the crust of skin and bone

this trickle of water on a volcano

a disco in hell

the thin, slow falling of the mind

crackle of the line.

sun brushes

one wing sweeps the earth

angel of the crooked wings

burns in the secret darkness

summer’s green all girded up in sheaves

the violet past prime

embracing clouds in vain

cruising the star-punched sea

For years it feasts on fire

you of the whirling wings,

hissing counsels of ruin

Green says go

Leaving a hand in the air to break my fall

bronzed in the light bouncing

under the bridge where you waited

just send it swimming back below

Yesterday the breeze caught the water

Flying into an endless sunset the next day

A choir of empty cups sitting loudly

There is no running from the forest of men.

And a house on fire

pencils, a pink pearl eraser.

one big scallop with its dozens of icy blues

Praise the backwards, upward sky

Praise the song and praise the singer.

Praise beginnings; praise the end

Praise the roads on earth and water.


i'll let you slide

your world in your world

Covenant edition.

If i have any regrets