‘Maurice, dear Maurice,’ she said, ‘I haven’t got the strength.’

  • +..brutal prog

  • +..darkwave poetry

  • +.. tense swirling dark ambience



we are again immersed in the logic of bounded being. It is not individual persons in this instance, but independent organizations. And when we construct the organizational world in this way we invite many of the same illnesses that beset the individualization of society. We exist within the walls, and they without. Once the separation has been struck, those within the organization confront the outside with three major options: they are with us, against us, or irrelevant. If they are with us, the relationship is solely instrumental: “How much can they contribute to us and at what cost?” If they are against us, the primary question is how to subdue (or possibly eliminate) them. The irrelevant simply remain so. This orientation of adversarial instrumentality is coupled with a form of organizational narcissism: “We exist in order to strengthen and expand ourselves.” Nothing beyond the organizational well-being counts. A self-concerned organization invites relations of calculation, suspicion, antagonism, and dispassion.
Gergen, Kenneth


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