Now that you understand the intricacies of reality testing.

  • +..experimental

  • +..experimental

  • +..minimal//laminim



As is no doubt apparent, pinching an imaginary dreaming nose will not stop your ability to breathe. Instead, what you’ll experience in the dream is the slightly unnerving sensation of breathing through a sealed nose. The test results are straightforward: if you can breathe through a pinched nose, you’re dreaming, if not you’re awake. This is a fascinating and also incredibly useful reality test. The benefit of this method over the previous two tests is that it requires no additional props or environmental conditions to perform. You should, under virtually all dreaming circumstances, have a nose and fingers with which to pinch it. A further benefit is it can be performed in complete darkness. Also, it’s rather subtle - while, under some circumstances, glancing at your watch may appear as socially inappropriate or rude, a quick and simple pinch of the nose can (especially with a handkerchief) be performed under a slightly more socially acceptable guise.
Love, Daniel.


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