In the years following her exposure to theosophy...

  • +..Dungeon doom

  • +..shoegaze pop

  • +..Electro



Maintaining the concept of ‘freedom’ in neoliberal societies means that control is often maintained through mechanisms that encourage populations to internalise, self-monitor and self-sensor, rather than through more overt mechanisms of direct military/police state control. This process is encouraged by the large the amount of surveillance to which we are all, particularly parents and their children, subjected to, with an ‘army’ of professionals tasked with this monitoring and an array of commodities made available that are promised to enhance lives by treating or otherwise improving their wellness when ‘disorder’ is spotted. When a young person is not reaching the expected high-level efficiency or shows what are considered deviations from the expected pre-destiny inscribed for successful neoliberal subjects (such as having fun at the same time as achieving academic success), introspection on personal failures and a search for an individualised solution, is deepened. If they cannot be returned back to being successful neoliberal subjects, then they may be categorised as ‘vulnerable’ and within the growing numbers assumed to be unwell (from mental illness – a defect within them) and who may need to become a long-term consumer of mental illness related products.
Timimi, Sami.


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