along sheer cliff -edge one-way roads.


  • +..squelchy techno anomaly

  • +..



Eager for philosophical discussions, Theos quizzed Geshe Wangyal about a wide variety of subjects, asking him to confirm what he and his father had discovered on their own. Setting Theos straight on the basic structure of the “Wheel of Life,” Geshe Wangyal told him that the subtle body cakras played no role, nor did “various astrological conditions,” contrary to Glen’s imagining. Indeed, Geshe Wangyal was often perplexed by some of Theos’s notions about religion and religious practice and could not “figure out how one ever learned ideas like the ones [Theos] put forth” and as were found “in the West.” Helen also took advantage of the opportunity to study with Geshe Wangyal. In addition to learning the Tibetan script, she asked him for his opinions of her own ideas, such as her belief concerning the import of her dreams. Geshe Wangyal bluntly told her that “dreams were so much nonsense and made no sense unless one got to the point where one could control one’s dreams as advanced Yogis could.” Disheartened, Helen recorded her last dream that February and would not record another for twenty-six years.
Hackett, Paul G.


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