
Showing posts from November, 2020

listening to ice melt back to water.

They say she waited with the waning moon, until the dawn.

There are No Coincidences.

carburetor, condenser, radiator, starter motor

Reverse what went sour and replace it with seashells.

listens like the fish below the ice listens to the fisherman.

a blackbird’s coat bending to sunbeams.

As the ship speeds up at Pluto, the earthlight sensors blow

spin lightning as thread

And now there are Angels, walking up and down in the stone.

Stuff of the moon runs on the lapping sand

a pale flame kindles

Let me go to the window, watch there the day-shapes of dusk

a captured sunset, sea-flung, bannered with fire and gold.

The moonstone of rain is beautiful

And the snakes have taken shapes of sentences.

Thus doth the fire of the sun temper the spear of Mars

Yet I stand at the centre of the spider's web, whereof the golden filaments reach to infinity

they remain themselves, who have eaten of the pomegranate in Hell.

and in the water; of whirling air and of rushing fire.